Manage teams and team members

Teams provide a structured way to group users and manage their permissions. Users can belong to multiple teams simultaneously, allowing them to represent departments, B2B customers, or projects.

The server can perform all operations on a team, but the client can only carry out some actions if the user has the necessary permissions. This applies to all actions that can be performed on a server/client-side User object and a Team object.


Team permissions

If you attempt to perform an action without the necessary team permissions, the function will throw an error. Always check if the user has the required permission before performing any action. Learn more about permissions here.

Here is an example of how to check if a user has a specific permission on the client

1const user = useUser({ or: 'redirect' });
2const team = user.useTeam('some-team-id');
4if (!team) {
5 return <div>Team not found</div>;
8const hasPermission = user.usePermission(team, '$invite_members');
10if (!hasPermission) {
11 return <div>No permission</div>;
14// Perform corresponding action like inviting a user

Team profile

A user can have a different profile for each team they belong to (Note this is different to the user’s personal profile). This profile contains information like displayName and profileImageUrl. The team profile can be left empty and it will automatically take the user’s personal profile information.

The team profile is visible to all the other users in the team that have the $read_members permission.

Retrieving a user’s teams

You can list all teams a user belongs to using the listTeams or useTeams functions or fetch a specific team with getTeam or useTeam. These functions work on both clients and servers.

1const user = useUser({ or: 'redirect' });
2const allTeams = user.useTeams();
3const someTeam = user.useTeam('some-team-id'); // May be null if the user is not a member of this team
5return (
6 <div>
7 { => (
8 <div key={}>{team.displayName}</div>
9 ))}
10 </div>
11 <div>
12 {someTeam ? someTeam.displayName : 'Not a member of this team'}
13 </div>

Creating a team

To create a team, use the createTeam function on the User object. The user will be added to the team with the default team creator permissions (You can change this on the permissions tab in the Stack dashboard).

On the client side, this requires enabling the “client side team creation” on the team settings tab in the Stack dashboard.

1const team = await user.createTeam({
2 displayName: 'New Team',

To create a team on the server without adding a specific user, use the createTeam function on the ServerApp object:

1const team = await stackServerApp.createTeam({
2 displayName: 'New Team',

Updating a team

You can update a team with the update function on the Team object.

On the client, the user must have the $update_team permission to perform this action.

1await team.update({
2 displayName: 'New Name',

Custom team metadata

You can store custom metadata on a team object, similar to the user object. The metadata can be any JSON object.

  • clientMetadata: Can be read and updated on both the client and server sides.
  • serverMetadata: Can only be read and updated on the server side.
  • clientReadOnlyMetadata: Can be read on both the client and server sides, but can only be updated on the server side.
1await team.update({
2 clientMetadata: {
3 customField: 'value',
4 },
7console.log(team.clientMetadata.customField); // 'value'

List users in a team

You can list all users in a team with the listUsers function or the useUsers hook on the Team object. Note that if you want to get the team profile, you need to get it with user.teamProfile.

On the client, the current user must have the $read_members permission in the team to perform this action.

1// ... retrieve the team and ensure user has the necessary permissions
3const users = team.useUsers();
5return (
6 <div>
7 { => (
8 <div key={}>{user.teamProfile.displayName}</div>
9 ))}
10 </div>

Get current user’s team profile

You can get the current user’s team profile with the getTeamProfile or useTeamProfile function on the User object. This function returns the team profile for the team with the given ID.

1const teamProfile = user.useTeamProfile(team);

Invite a user to a team

You can invite a user to a team using the inviteUser function on the Team object. The user will receive an email with a link to join the team.

On the client side, the current user must have the $invite_members permission to perform this action.

1await team.inviteUser(email);

Adding a user to a team

If you want to add a user to a team without sending an email, use the addUser function on the ServerTeam object. This function can only be called on the server side.

1await team.addUser(;

Removing a user from a team

You can remove a user from a team with the removeUser function on the Team object.

On the client side, the current user must have the $remove_members permission to perform this action.

1await team.removeUser(;

Leaving a team

All users can leave a team without any permissions required.

1const team = await user.getTeam('some-team-id');
2await user.leaveTeam(team);

Deleting a team

You can delete a team with the delete function on the Team object.

On the client side, the current user must have the $delete_team permission to perform this action.

1await team.delete();
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