<UserButton />

Renders a user button component with optional user information, color mode toggle, and extra menu items.



  • showUserInfo: boolean - Whether to display user information (display name and email) or only show the avatar.
  • colorModeToggle: () => void | Promise<void> - Function to be called when the color mode toggle button is clicked. If specified, a color mode toggle button will be shown.
  • extraItems: Array<{text: string, icon: React.ReactNode, onClick: Function}> - Additional menu items to display.


1'use client';
2import { UserButton } from '@stackframe/stack';
4export default function Page() {
5 return (
6 <div>
7 <h1>User Button</h1>
8 <UserButton
9 showUserInfo={true}
10 colorModeToggle={() => { console.log("color mode toggle clicked") }}
11 extraItems={[{
12 text: 'Custom Action',
13 icon: <CustomIcon />,
14 onClick: () => console.log('Custom action clicked')
15 }]}
16 />
17 </div>
18 );
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