<SignUp />

A component that renders a sign-up page with various customization options.


For more information, please refer to the custom pages guide.


  • fullPage (optional): boolean - If true, renders the sign-up page in full-page mode.
  • automaticRedirect (optional): boolean - If true, redirect to afterSignUp URL if the user is already signed-in.
  • noPasswordRepeat (optional): boolean - If true, removes the password confirmation field.
  • extraInfo (optional): React.ReactNode - Additional information to display on the sign-up page.
  • firstTab (optional): `‘magic-link’ | ‘password’ - Determines which tab is initially active. Defaults to ‘magic-link’ if not specified.


1import { SignUp } from '@stackframe/stack';
3export default function Page() {
4 return (
5 <div>
6 <h1>Sign Up</h1>
7 <SignUp
8 fullPage={true}
9 automaticRedirect={true}
10 firstTab='password'
11 extraInfo={<>By signing up, you agree to our <a href="/terms">Terms</a></>}
12 />
13 </div>
14 );