
StackServerApp and StackClientApp

StackClientApp provides all the functionality you can use to build a client-side application with Stack, like signInWithOAuth, useUser, useProject, etc. You can get a StackClientApp object by calling useStackApp() in a Client Component.

StackServerApp is a subclass of StackClientApp that provides additional functionality for server side, like getUser, getProject, etc. To use your server app, you can just import the object from the file where you created it.


We showed in the setup guide that you can create a StackServerApp in a file like stack.ts like this:

1import "server-only";
2import { StackServerApp } from "@stackframe/stack";
4export const stackServerApp = new StackServerApp({
5 tokenStore: "nextjs-cookie", // storing auth tokens in cookies

Except for tokenStore, there are also a few other options you can pass to the StackServerApp constructor:


An object that contains some pre-defined URLs that Stack uses to route and redirect. You can override them for your own needs.


1export const stackServerApp = new StackServerApp({
2 tokenStore: "nextjs-cookie",
3 urls: {
4 signIn: "/custom-sign-in",
5 signUp: "/custom-sign-up",
6 afterSignIn: "/user-profile",
7 afterSignUp: "/onboarding",
8 },
  • home
    Default: "/"

    The URL of the home page.

  • signIn
    Default: "/handler/sign-in"

    The URL of the sign-in page.

  • afterSignIn
    Default: "/"

    The URL that the user will be redirected to after successful signing in. Note the OAuth sign-in will distiguish if a user is registerd before or not, and not based on from where the user is clicking the OAuth sign-in button.

  • signUp
    Default: "/handler/sign-up"

    The URL of the sign-up page.

  • afterSignUp
    Default "/"

    The URL that the user will be redirected to after successful signing up. Note the OAuth sign-up will distiguish if a user is registerd before or not, and not based on from where the user is clicking the OAuth sign-up button.

  • signOut
    Default: "/handler/sign-out"

    The URL of the sign-out page.

  • afterSignOut
    Default: "/"

    The URL that the user will be redirected to after successful signing out.

  • emailVerification
    Default: "/handler/email-verification"

    The URL of the email verification page.

  • passwordReset
    Default "/handler/password-reset"

    The URL of the password reset page.

  • forgotPassword
    Default "/handler/forgot-password"

    The URL of the forgot password page.

  • accountSettings
    Default: "/handler/account-settings"

    The URL of the account settings page.

  • handler
    Default: "/handler"

    The URL of the handler root. If you want to change the URL of your handler to something other than /handler, you can change it here.

    Note that you also need to change the [...stack]/page.tsx file to the corresponding location. When you want to use your website in a non-local environment, you need to change the handler URL in the Stack dashboard as well.